Production – Maximum performance, maximum quality

Let your SMT lines run non-stop and gain a competitive advantage through maximum productivity and quality.

Modern SMT lines are extremely powerful. They become even more productive with smart manufacturing processes that require a minimum of manual assists and support the operations staff with timely information. Delivered precisely when and where it is needed, real-time information provides transparency regarding the job status, pending refills, and available countermeasures when something goes wrong. As a result, operators can make the right decisions at the right time to keep the lines running. The number of line stops drops significantly while overall line productivity increases – even in environments with small lot sizes.

A system that makes decisions entirely on its own is even smarter. Internal machine “self-healing” functions such as automatic paste management in the printer and nozzle changes, pitch corrections and feeder location checks in the placement machine are a first step.

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Indicators of weaknesses in the production process

  • Lack of real-time information on line status and job progress
  • Hectic activity at the line; frequently faulty prioritization/sequencing of assists
  • Low degree of automation
  • No or patchy networking of machines and systems; no automatic transfer of information between systems
  • Information is available only on request and requires lots of effort by the operations staff
  • Frequent line stops
  • Over-long run times for jobs; productivity is merely average
  • Personnel/shift-based productivity fluctuations

KPI improvements at other ASM customers


Productivity increases


Increase in line utilization


Time savings

Aros Logo 350px

Intelligent no-touch production at Aros (Sweden)

We produce in very small lots for demanding automotive OEMs and frequently squeeze in prototypes with a lot size of 1. The boards must make it through the SMT line without any manual assists. We use barcodes for automated routing, track width adjustments, and program downloads. Intelligent setup concepts and powerful ASM software tools allow us to change setups very efficiently without having to empty the line. Our output has multiplied considerably,” says Per-Johan Edgren, Manufacturing Process Manager at Aros.


The most important products/solutions

ASM Products Software Line Operations Package

ASM Line Operations Package

The ASM Line Operations Package bundles a series of advanced functions for reliable and mostly non-stop product changeovers and efficient line operation.

ASM Line Monitor

ASM Line Monitor

Everything that matters on a single screen at or above the line. The ASM Line Monitor bundles all relevant material status information for an SMT line. Traffic light functions warn of critical situations and allow your employees to take corrective action before a line stop occurs.

ASM Products Printing DEK Paste Management

DEK Paste Management

The DEK Automatic Paste Dispenser applies solder paste automatically, reliably and evenly from a cartridge. The DEK Jar Dispenser can use standard paste containers for this purpose. Both systems feature clear advantages over the manual application of solder paste.

Further products

Add further smart ASM hardware and software solutions as well as services to perfectly reflect and continuously support your planning processes. This is how to optimize the workflow production in your electronics production.

Best-in-class solutions

Good planning is the basis for efficiency, flexibility and quality in electronics production. As the industry’s technology leader, we offer a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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