Planning – Optimize your line utilization and deliver on time

Maximize your line utilization by scheduling your production with realistic capacities and restrictions.

In the planning process you translate your orders along with information about products, quantities and deadlines from the ERP system into concrete job sequences and delivery times for your production operations. The goal is to have a factory that runs “calmly”, efficiently, and on schedule.

This planning process becomes increasingly complex as the number of products and customers increases, lead times become shorter, and lot sizes smaller. In addition, unforeseen events and rush jobs are everyday occurrences. Providing your planners with the proper software support reduces your costs and minimizes errors.

Implementing smart tools lets you build a fast, highly automated and therefore highly flexible planning system. Fully networked planning tools reflect capacities, restrictions and even short-term interruptions seamlessly, thus increasing the quality and reliability of your planning.

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Indicators of planning process weaknesses

  • Inability to meet delivery deadlines
  • Lots of manual operations
  • Frantic activity and lots of back-and-forth communication when schedules change
  • Schedules must be finalized far in advance, which reduces flexibility
  • Difficulty to respond quickly and adequately to rush orders or malfunctions

KPI improvements at other ASM customers


Improvement of performance


Increase in line availability


Reduction of material stocks

Aros Logo 350px

Smart planning at Aros (Sweden)

Sweden’s Aros electronics AB depends on process optimization and Industry 4.0 concepts for its development and production of controllers and drive electronics for automotive and engineering applications.For planning and monitoring, Aros uses a manufacturing execution system (MES) that was developed in-house. It is supported by smart ASM systems for its scheduling, setup and material logistics operations.


The most important products/solutions

ASM Production Planner

ASM Production Planner

The ASM Production Planner helps you to plan your production in accordance with shipping deadlines. In addition to the throughput times for products, setup times and non-productive process times for things like maintenance need to be taken into account It also includes information about the status of production lines and inventory availability in the planning process.

SIPLACE SiCluster Professional SiCluster Multiline

SIPLACE SiCluster Professional/SIPLACE SiCluster MultiLine

With frequent setup changeovers, rush jobs and changing lot sizes, creating efficient setup schedules without powerful tools is becoming increasingly difficult and time-consuming in modern electronics production environments. Software-supported setup optimization with SIPLACE SiCluster Professional (for single lines) and SIPLACE SiCluster MultiLine (for multiple lines) is our answer to these challenges in today’s electronics factories.

Further products

Add further smart ASM hardware and software solutions as well as services to perfectly reflect and continuously support your planning processes. This is how to optimize the workflow planning in your electronics production.

Best-in-class solutions

Good planning is the basis for efficiency, flexibility and quality in electronics production. As the industry’s technology leader, we offer a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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