ASM Material Manager

Optimize your material-related workflows

Our comprehensive software solution for SMT-specific material management and the remedy for emergency stocks, material shortfalls, unwieldy printed lists, time spent searching, and material-related line stops. ASM Material Manager transparently links all material-related planning and operational processes.

The individual modules provide support for all functions, positions, processes, and workstations.

See also: Factory Workflows Material Management

ASM Material Manager raises your material logistics to a new level.

  • It networks your material-related processes and makes them transparent – from receiving to kitting and setup, from planning to placement
  • Interfaces with ERP systems; eliminates the need for physical inventories
  • Your data is always up-to-date – paperless, at every workstation, for every process
  • Package-based UIDs and stock management across all storage locations, kitting areas and lines
  • Management of storage systems (Kardex, Haenel, ASM Material Tower , etc.)
  • Path-optimized pick lists, strong search functions, MSD-Management, etc.
  • New: Search for dedicated setup changeover tables. Define park location for change over table (park and scan)
  • New: Booking of torn down material to dedicated location
  • New: Queuing of reorder request

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Best-in-class solutions

Good planning is the basis for efficiency, flexibility and quality in electronics production. As the industry’s technology leader, we offer a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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