Material management – Process-oriented material flow transparency

Integrated solutions for efficient material supply in high-mix electronics factories

In a high-mix electronics factory, material management becomes a process that is critical for your success. Safety stocks, extended searching, material tourism and material-related line stops are symptoms of missing tools and weak spots in SMT-specific material management.

The solution lies in integrated material flow solutions – smart tools that provide total process transparency from receiving to placement and let you see at a glance what material is located where.

The result is a faster and trouble-free material flow. Your production becomes more agile, but with less hectic activity and fewer material movements. In short, an intelligent and integrated material management system generates tangible competitive advantages.

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Indicators of weaknesses in material management

  • Lack of transparency regarding materials in storage and on the factory floor
  • Mistakes during material issue/provisioning
  • Quantity-based inventory management without package data
  • Inability to locate materials/partial quantities in setup preparation areas, on changeover tables, lines, etc.
  • Material-related line stops
  • Manual processing of printed order lists/bills of material
  • Violations of MSD exposure times
  • Placement machines not integrated; major discrepancies between theoretical and actual stocks
  • Long searches for materials
  • Line staff must request fresh supplies manually
  • Rush jobs require excessive coordination

KPI improvements at other ASM customers


Reduction of material procurement costs


Less line stops


Reduction of material stocks

Velankani Big

Integrated material management at Velankani Electronics Private Limited in Bengaluru (India)

Rapidly growing Velankani Electronics Private Limited manufactures set-top boxes and smart meters in three shifts with state-of-the-art, robot-supported production technologies and a high degree of automation. Integrated material flow solutions from ASM are central components of the factory. In addition to the ASM Material Manager software, the company employs automatic storage systems (ASM Material Towers) for line-adjacent supplies, software solutions for setup verification, and line monitors for operator guidance.


Die wichtigsten Produkte/Lösungen

ASM Material Manager

ASM Material Manager

The ASM Material Manager is the comprehensive solution for SMT-specific material management. It links all storage and usage locations, material-related processes, storage systems, and placement solutions.

ASM Material Tower

ASM Material Tower

The automatic ASM Material Tower is compact, fast, and fully integrated into the ASM Material Manager software. The innovative storage system opens up new prospects as a scalable and MSD-capable system in the main component warehouse or for the decentralized supply of materials in setup preparation areas or next to lines.

Further products

Add further smart ASM hardware and software solutions as well as services to perfectly reflect and continuously support your planning processes. This is how to optimize the workflow production in your electronics production.

Best-in-class solutions

Good planning is the basis for efficiency, flexibility and quality in electronics production. As the industry’s technology leader, we offer a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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