Factory monitoring – Production control requires transparency – in real time

Optimize your SMT production on the basis of real-time data

One rule for the smart SMT factory states that you can optimize only what you can measure. This requires modern software systems that collect data directly and automatically in real time on the machines. Intelligent software aggregates this data into informative KPIs with options for quick and flexible drill-downs or the tracking of individual products and components. Monitoring your factory in real time enables you to respond instantly to all sorts of events while flexible analyses of historical data highlight trends and process changes.

A modern factory monitoring system also identifies process irregularities and automatically notifies certain technicians or managers when needed.

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Indicators of weaknesses in factory monitoring

  • No real-time collection and visualization of status and process data
  • Data is maintained in separate systems/no central view and aggregation
  • High manual reporting effort
  • Reports and documentations are rigid and paper-based
  • Alarms and escalations are not automated
  • No integration of smart devices (push mail/messenger, smart glasses, smart watches)
  • Alarms without user guidance
  • No traceable material and process information about assembled products

KPI improvements at other ASM customers


Increased productivity


Increased plant utilization


Reduction of material stocks

Asm Big

Factory monitoring at ASM’s electronics factory (Germany)

ASM operates one of the world’s most modern and flexible electronics factories in Munich. It is part of the company’s placement machine plant, winner of prestigious “Factory of the Year 2016” award.

The factory monitoring system is critically important for the high productivity of the high-mix/low-volume plant. Monitors installed above the lines display status information and notify the staff of upcoming product changeovers and assists. KPIs, order and process data is visualized in real time. Upon demand and in team meetings, the associated detail data is available with just a few clicks. Additional analyses and views can be easily generated as well.


The most important products/solutions

ASM Performance Monitor L

ASM Performance Monitor

The ASM Performance Monitor determines line status and important key performance indicators (KPIs) in real time. The ASM Performance Monitor displays line status information and major KPIs in easy-to-read actual-vs.-target charts with customizable reference values. The ASM Performance Monitor delivers not only detailed data for analyses by technicians and process engineers, but keeps the production staff informed about things like job progress, target achievement and potential improvements by displaying important information on large monitors installed in the factory.

ASM Traceability

ASM Traceability

Fearing the cost of large recalls and the harm they inflict on a company’s image, more and more customers require proof that their products were manufactured according to specifications. ASM Traceability turns these demands into a competitive advantage for your company. It ensures transparent monitoring and seamless traceability, for example through mandatory setup verification.

Further products

Add further smart ASM hardware and software solutions as well as services to perfectly reflect and continuously support your planning processes. This is how to optimize the workflow factory monitoring in your electronics production.

Best-in-class solutions

Good planning is the basis for efficiency, flexibility and quality in electronics production. As the industry’s technology leader, we offer a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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