ASM OIB (Operations Information Broker)

The interface to your production data

The ASM OIB Process Data Interface makes it easy to transmit all production-related data to where it is needed (for example, the MES). Since the OIB has a modular design, our customers process only the data they need, such as ASM traceability data, process data, component consumption data, etc. The “Board Gate Keeper” also ensures process reliability by making sure that the production will start only if the correct and verified machine data is available and all process parameters are properly set. Using ASM equipment adapter makes it now possible to connect 3rd party equipment to ASM Solutions via IPC CFX.

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Best-in-class solutions

Good planning is the basis for efficiency, flexibility and quality in electronics production. As the industry’s technology leader, we offer a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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