Factory integration – Make your production location part of a global network

Connect all your plants and locations.

You are finally able to integrate your production resources into your company’s or customers’ value chains. Your production data becomes available anywhere via modern and specially secured IT infrastructures. Your lines and locations become transparent, and you can be virtually everywhere at the same time.

At the same time, you can deploy experts in more than one location and therefore much more efficiently by using remote systems, mobile devices and data glasses. The same applies to the technical support of equipment suppliers. Remote support architectures allow their technicians to access your equipment for diagnostics as well as for predictive and preventive maintenance.

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Indicators of weaknesses in factory integration

  • Lines, shop floor areas, locations and departments are not electronically linked
  • No external access to data
  • Manual exchange of data (via reports, e-mail attachments, etc.)
  • Employees use unsafe consumer tools as makeshift communication solutions (data transfer, chat, collaboration tools, etc.)
  • No process interconnectivity for real-time control, tracking and interlocking

ASM Factory integration in practice

Factory Integration
Vega Big

Factory Integration at VEGA Grieshaber KG (Germany)

With its bright yellow sensor systems for fill level, pressure and other measurements, VEGA is one of the most innovative suppliers of industrial sensor technology. With their modular design, VEGA systems can be adapted to a wide range of customer needs and application requirements. The company’s factory is characterized by state-of-the-art production methods.


The most important products/solutions

ASM Remote Smart Factory S

ASM Remote Smart Factory

ASM Remote Smart Factory takes you to the next level in service quality and cooperation between manufacturer and customer.

ASM Products Software Command Center

ASM Command Center

Our highly innovative software revolutionizes classic operator models and the rigid assignment of lines and operating staff by allowing you to form small multi-line teams of employees with different skills. To schedule their deployment.

ASM OIB (Operations Information Broker)

ASM OIB (Operations Information Broker)

The ASM OIB (Operations Information Broker) is an open interface and hub for production data that makes it possible to transmit all production-related data to wherever it is needed (for example, to the MES).

Further products

Add further smart ASM hardware and software solutions as well as services to perfectly reflect and continuously support your planning processes. This is how to optimize the workflow factory integration in your electronics production.

Best-in-class solutions

Good planning is the basis for efficiency, flexibility and quality in electronics production. As the industry’s technology leader, we offer a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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