ASM ProcessExpert

SMT lines learn and optimize themselves

The ASM ProcessExpert is the world’s first self-learning inline expert system for electronics manufacturing.

In perfect interaction the expert system ASM ProcessEngine, the high performance SPI ASM ProcessLens and the DEK stencil printer form the complete ASMProcessExpert pre-placement solution.

Its first component is the ASM ProcessLens, our innovative high-precision 5D-SPM (Solder Paste Measurement) system (3D + 2D) that employs a chip with 8 million software-controlled micro-mirrors.

Its second component is the state-of-the-art ASM ProcessEngine, which uses big-data technologies to analyze all current and historical sensor data, learns from the results, and uses them to improve the DEK printers’ operations.

Only our ASM ProcessExpert can do this:

  • DFM HealthCheck:
    By running “virtual prints” based on the stencil data and its exhaustive and industry-unique process knowledge database, the ASM ProcessExpert recommends the best process and printing parameters for a given layout and identifies critical areas in the stencil layout that may destabilize the actual printing process. The user can use other process parameters and see their consequence on the stability of the printing process promptly.
  • Fast NPI with “fractional experiments”:
    When new products are introduced, the ASM ProcessExpert takes only a few minutes to determine all printing parameters and ensure an optimized printing process within a very short time.
  • Permanent and pro-active optimization:
    The ASM ProcessExpert checks the printing results, continuously optimizes the printing process, and proactively controls the printers, for example by adjusting the cleaning cycles and correction of print offset.
  • Your gain:
    Stable printing processes, significant time savings, lower costs, better yield, and a much more productive line with less operator interventions.

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Our placement solution for high-mix electronics production

Best-in-class solutions

Good planning is the basis for efficiency, flexibility and quality in electronics production. As the industry’s technology leader, we offer a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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