ASM time4customers

Take the opportunity, see the chances

These are admittedly difficult times. In many electronics manufacturing plants, less work is done. But those who think actively and entrepreneurially also see opportunities. Our ASM time4initiatives are aimed at these people. We are your partner to make good use of these times – so that your company can get off to a faster and stronger start later on.


It is clear: Only state-of-the-art software gets the best out of your machines. This is exactly the right time: Take advantage of these times and get the latest ASM Factory software installed. Your ASM Partner will explain to you in detail what chances the new software version will bring to you.

Our service engineers are at your side – onsite, with utmost safety or even virtually. We can update your software via remote connections. For remote support and where on-site support is required, our technicians can be deployed according to your time and process requirements.

Talk to your ASM account manager.
For Asia customers click here



More than 300 electronics manufacturers already use ASM Remote Smart Factory as a perfect, highly secure remote support infrastructure. Arm yourself now. With ASM Remote Smart Factory, you can have our entire service team virtually at your side – quickly, at any time, and cost-effectively. You can also use this infrastructure internally – for the connection between technicians and locations, including video transmissions, support for Smart Glasses, etc.

Our offer: Install ASM Remote Smart Factory now and get access to the Remote Operation features for operating ASM solutions remotely completely free of charge.

Talk to your local ASM account manager, they are there for you.
For Asia customers click here



ASM is now offering free access to its modern E-Learning platform ASM Academy – starting from now, completely free and without a subscription!
More than 150 modules with concentrated know-how on our ASM solutions as well as 70 docebo modules focusing on generally useful topics are available to you – 100 percent digital learning in the areas of operations, programming, machine use and maintenance, and software solutions. Manage your trainings as they suit you, follow your personal time schedule and learn wherever you are at the moment!

Simply register here.



ASM is offering free access to four exclusive expert live training webinars for EMEA and Asia. Join an experienced trainer in a small group and an interactive environment. The trainings are offered at fixed times via the ASM Academy.

The initiative starts now for all regions instead on Americas and is planned to continue with new modules on a rolling base.

The 4 expert live trainings are:

  • SIPLACE Vision Teach Station – test suite
  • SIPLACE Pro optimizer settings
  • SIPLACE – placement process and process settings
  • SIPLACE – rules for component shape and component leads

Register here for EMEA and here for Asia customers



Are you using family setups in your production?

Grouping products in a family setup helps to reduce the manual effort in material logistics and setup preparation. But it can also have a negative impact on your cycle times.

Knowing the ideal cycle time is important for cost analysis, determining the right setup strategies and as input for other systems.

Our experts will help analyze your data, free of charge, and provide you with a detailed report on their findings!

Talk to your ASM account manager.



Over time, a lot of changes happen to the data in SIPLACE Pro. Often, a change is made to address a specific problem at the line during production. And once it has been made, it will remain in the SIPLACE Pro database indefinitely – unless it is changed back again, manually.

For this very reason, we strongly recommend doing regular maintenance on the component shape library by using the standard tools that are included in SIPLACE Pro.

If you have any reason to believe that data maintenance is overdue or simply want to check if there is any improvement potential, our experts are happy to help!

Talk to your ASM account manager.



There are many factors that define and affect the print process. If these are not correct, the process will not be under control. Our smart software tool DFM HealthCheck can provide you with optimal process and printing parameters based on a simulation of your stencil design.

By utilising DFM Health Check we can take your stencil Gerber data and make recommendations before any production takes place, or we can take an existing process setup and validate it against the recommended best practice.

Talk to your local ASM account manager and here for Asia customers



The SMT Center of Competence of ASM in Munich is the perfect facility to get an inside look at our ASM Solutions and Offerings as well as any kind of support for your production processes and application challenges.

It does not matter if your travel possibilities are limited right now.
If you cannot come to us, we come to you!

With CoC Remote Demos, we offer for all regions the full spectrum of SMT solutions: presentation and demonstrations, process support, application support and expert consultation.
It does not matter where you are. All you need is a PC and internet access.

Talk to your ASM account manager They are here for you.



The right nozzle or gripper is the last link to ensure a reliable placement solution. It can have a huge influence on your placement quality and placement productivity. Nozzles and grippers influence the pick-up rate as well as the reject rate of components and thus the first-pass yield.

Now might be the right time to have a closer look at your process troublemakers. Share your component data and we support you in optimizing your process!

Our team will check for better fitting nozzles or whether a special nozzle could improve the process. We have a look at your existing component shape descriptions, check for further boundaries like the pocket design of the tapes or trays as well as adjustable parameters for the pick-up process at the feeder – and much more.

Talk to your ASM account manager. They are here for you.


Best-in-class solutions

Good planning is the basis for efficiency, flexibility and quality in electronics production. As the industry’s technology leader, we offer a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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