ASM @ productronica 2019


Transformation partner for the Integrated Smart Factory

Technology leader ASM will present many new products and an extensive portfolio of integrated hardware and software solutions at the 2019 Productronica trade show (Messe München, November 12-15, 2019, Hall A3/Booth 377). At the center of the 800-square-meter booth will be the Integrated Smart Factory Arena with two SMT lines and automated, robot-supported material flow and setup processes. A high-flex line and a high-speed line will show off the latest generations of the SIPLACE SX and SIPLACE TX placement platform, the ASM ProcessLens 5D-SPI system, the unique ASM ProcessExpert system and innovations like the ASM AutoRefill Feeder and the new DEK TQ printer platform. The booth will also feature the new ASM Material Tower for automated and AIV-supported material logistics. In the software area, ASM will present a comprehensive portfolio of solutions for the integrated control of electronics manufacturing operations. Examples include the ASM Command Center for smart operator guidance, the ASM Production Planner for deadline-oriented setup planning and scheduling, and the ASM Maintenance Manager with fabLIVE for managing service operations on a ‘digital twin’ of the factory. The ASM FactoryChat represents a new category of electronics factory software that is an easy-to-use chat program, a communication tool, a learning platform, a document and support database as well as a training and maintenance platform in one. Even the networked machines can send messages and participate in the team communication. As the foundation for these and other integration solutions, ASM is the first equipment supplier offering open, standardized interfaces and data protocols on all levels of the integrated smart factory for a consistent data flow from the shop floor to the cloud.

“Data is the oil of the digital age. ASM is the first equipment supplier that offers open interface standards like the SMEMA successor IPC-Hermes-9852, ASM OIB and IPC CFX along with MES, cloud and IIoT platforms for total connectivity and transparent data communication of all levels of the electronics factory. At this year’s Productronica we will demonstrate how our innovative hardware and software solutions support the smart integration of processes, people, machines and materials. Another important feature: since ASM solutions are retrofittable, even existing factories can benefit from improvements in quality, productivity and flexibility. This makes ASM a strong partner for our customers’ transformation projects on the road to the integrated smart factory,” explains Alexander Hagenfeldt, SMT Solutions Manager at ASM SMT Solutions.

Live: Automated material logistics and setup changeovers

The Integrated Smart Factory Arena will feature successful integration examples. Show visitors can see on two SMT lines with storage and a setup preparation area how setup processes and complete product changeovers can be controlled with software from the portfolio of ASM Factory Solutions and flexibly automated with the help of autonomous intelligent vehicles (AIVs). The new ASM AutoRefill Feeder, whose ability to automatically insert two component tape reels simplifies refills and reduces their frequency, plays a special role in these demonstrations.

DEK TQ printer platform: Ten hours between assists

The dual-lane high-speed line with its compact SIPLACE TX high-performance modules features the new DEK TQ stencil printer and the high-precision ASM ProcessLens inline SPI system in dual-lane mode. With its linear drives, off-belt printing, innovative transport and clamping systems and the newly developed and unique add-on Auto-Coplanarity, the totally new DEK TQ high-volume printing platform can operate up to ten hours without an assist. Smart equipment is without any doubt the base for any integrated smart factory.

Even more flexibility and precision: The new SIPLACE SX generation

Interchangeable gantries, superior placement head technologies and advanced feeder and conveyor options make the SIPLACE SX an extremely flexible and scalable placement platform. The latest generation features an improved vision system that uses 3D imaging to detect even slightly damaged components. A new OSC Package supports the reliable placement of snap-ins, radial, axial and odd-shaped components.

Control wall with ASM Factory Solutions

A large ‘control wall’ that shows planning, control, monitoring, material logistics and maintenance operations at a glance gives Productronica visitors an overview of ASM’s rapidly growing software portfolio. One of its highlights is the ASM Command Center. It revolutionizes line operations by collecting pending assist requests of the connected machines and intelligently assigning them to multi-line operator pools based on their individual skills and experience.

Service 4.0

A special area of the booth is dedicated to ASM's digital service solutions, which range from the ASM Maintenance Manager and the ASM Remote Smart Factory to predictive maintenance with the fabLIVE digital factory twin to digital training offerings from the ASM Academy and the ASM WebShop.

ASM FactoryChat: The communication app for the smart factory

ASM FactoryChat is a totally new application for professional and secure team communication in electronics production. The app organizes chats in accordance with ANSI/ISA 95 and analogous to the production structure. Besides supplemental information can be added to this structure, such as manuals, maintenance plans and instructions, addresses or notes of service personnel, training videos and much more. That way, the easy-to-use app can also be used as a shift report generator, communications and collaboration tool, knowledge and document database, and a training and maintenance platform. Important information can be accessed anytime via internet-capable user devices, and adding new employees, machines and information takes only a few clicks or taps.

Advanced packaging for automotive applications

ASM dedicates a special area of its booth to advanced packaging solutions for automotive applications such as electrification, assistance systems and connectivity. The spectrum ranges from fan-out wafer-level packaging with the SIPLACE CA and silver sintering with the ASM SilverSAM to high-precision die-bonding with the new Amicra COS and active alignment of optical sensors and lenses with the new Autopia.

For more information, visit https://www.asm-smt.com/en/productronica-2019/.

Best-in-class solutions

Good planning is the basis for efficiency, flexibility and quality in electronics production. As the industry’s technology leader, we offer a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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