DEK Adjustable Width Stencil Mount (AWSM)


Speeds up stencil changeovers considerably

Stencils for the SMT printing process come in many sizes. To compensate for their dimensional variations, smaller stencils are frequently clamped into frames to make them fit into the printer – a method that wastes time and is prone to errors. In addition, a stencil in a frame is much more difficult to handle.

The solution: DEK Adjustable Width Stencil Mount. The printer's stencil frame is adjustable to accommodate stencils ranging from 381 x 381 mm to 736 x 736 mm. With the push of a button, the operator measures the stencil via a built-in ruler and manually adjusts the mount. In combination with the DEK Auto-Stencil Load Option, the DEK Adjustable Width Stencil Mount make product changeovers much easier for the operator.

Your benefits

  • Faster setup changeovers
  • No stencil adapter needed
  • More flexibility
  • Easier handling of varying stencil sizes

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