SIPLACE Measuring Feeder X


Introducing ASM’s latest technologies where components are measured before placement

The SIPLACE Measuring Feeder X measures components but does not feed them. It has the same design and interfaces as the typical SIPLACE X feeders; hence the name has “feeder” in it. It is highly flexible as it can be added and removed while the machine keeps running, to support the complex set up process in high mix electronic product environment.

The SIPLACE Measuring Feeder X can measure electrical values of components like capacitors, resistors, inductors and diodes (polarity), ranging between 0.3 x 0.6 mm to 3.2 x 6.0 mm in size.

When a new component tape is introduced, the first component will be measured and checked its component values matched with the description in SIPLACE Pro. If the first component matches, only the next component from this tape will be placed on a printed circuit board (PCB).

However, if a mismatch occurs, the feeder will be locked for pick-up.

Some reasons that contribute to the mismatch:

  • the components could be defective;
  • they have wrong labels on the packaging;
  • a fake component without any function

Usually, it is not necessary to test every component but random inspections in every lot will be performed. The very first component out of each tape is always measured in order to verify that the setup is correct.

Benefits of using SIPLACE Measuring Feeder X:

  • With the measurements, it ensures that the setup can be checked, and no wrong components will be picked from locked tracks.
  • Detection of Operator errors, like wrong setups, or wrong labeled reels, and track error will trigger an automatic-lock function. It reduces error.
  • If splice detection is installed, the machine will automatically check if the correct reel was spliced to the previous reel.
  • Periodic measurements during placement can detect “fake” components
  • Less rework
  • Lower component costs

For more details about the SIPLACE Measuring Feeder X, you may refer to our website, or please contact us at smt-solutions.sg@asmpt.com.

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