ASM Production Planner: Reliable and Automatic Planning for your Production


Automated planning reduces the burden for line assignment of jobs and improves production yield

Production planning has always been stressful especially for EMS manufacturers whose schedule is hectic and product mix is high. We have a solution that can reduce the burden of the planner

The typical EMS production environment is dynamic and sometimes chaotic. It is a big task to manage the production schedules according to the production plan dictated by the ERP systems. Whenever a production plan is generated, it has to be tallied with the current production status at the production floor. This is the gap that normally challenges the production planner between ideal planning and actual progress.

With ASM Production Planner, we believe that making the planners job easy is our top-priority. That is why during the planning stage we factor in important conditions that affect the planner into the software tool, such as:

  • Real-time extraction of current production status, which allows more realistic planning since any jobs that were unable to complete on-time are loaded into the new planning screen.
  • Product cluster and assignment to lines based on:
  • best cycle-time
  • minimal setup change
  • working within available hours

This makes the planning job much easier as the tool removes the need for technical experience.

In the background, it runs ASM SiCluster Multiline Optimization which is built-in to the planner software so that it automatically assigns products to the correct lines based on:

  • process capabilities
  • least number of setup changeovers
  • maximum line utilization
  • total available production time

The planner can choose which is the factor that is priority and customize the result to that, while keeping in mind the ERP due dates.

The ASM Production planner does not stop just at that step as it is integrated with our ASM Material manager. So after each production plan, the respective material picklist information are automatically generated to the warehouse as well as any automated storage systems connected to ASM Material Manager.

Moving forward, ASM Factory Solutions are designed to provide more automation and intelligence to support our drive towards an Integrated Smart Factory.

For more information, please contact us at:

EMEA & Americas: Contact Finder

ROA: smt-solutions.sg@asmpt.com

Best-in-class solutions

Good planning is the basis for efficiency, flexibility and quality in electronics production. As the industry’s technology leader, we offer a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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