Predicting the unpredictable


ASM OIB now provides Maintenance Data as the foundation for Predictive Maintenance

A recent survey by PWC on the top driving factors in the next 5 years for digitalization of factories, showed that Predictive Maintenance was one of the top topics on the minds of manufacturers.

This trend meant that equipment manufacturers like ASM would need to be able to send in real-time equipment configurations and health to an intelligent system which can crunch the numbers and create a digital map of the equipment maintenance status. We have therefore, expanded our ASM Operations Information Broker (ASM OIB) to cover Maintenance Information. With ASM Maintenance information, customers can now use the same interface to query important equipment configuration and health data from our ASM placement machines.

The Maintenance Data Interface has numerous attributes. Below are some of them and their examples:

1. Station Configuration

  • Software version, Conveyor motors, Sensors, Nozzle Magazines etc

2. Setup Configuration:

  • Nozzle Head, Segment, Feeders ID, Feeder location etc

3. Station Health Data:

  • Placement Counter, Verification Data, Calibration Data, maintenance data etc

With ASM OIB Maintenance Data Interface, customers can now create their AI modules or MES SPC modules to analyse on machine trend and create intelligent machines with self-healing capabilities. The Smart Factory is no longer a dream as it is now well-within the customer's grasp.

For more information, please contact us at smt-solutions.sg@asmpt.com

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