New ASMPT CEO and management structure

WK Lee, who has been our company’s CEO for 13 years with great success, will turn over the leadership of ASMPT to Robin Ng, our current CFO, effective May 12, 2020. WK Lee will officially leave the company on August 31, 2020, the day of his 40th anniversary with ASMPT.

All of us at ASMPT are exceedingly grateful to WK Lee, from whom we have learned a lot. He is turning over to his successor a very healthy and stable enterprise with excellent market potential in both the SMT and Semiconductor Solutions Segments. ASMPT has developed into a successful global innovation and technology leader in recent years.

Robin Ng, 56, will become the new CEO on May 13. After joining ASMPT 17 years ago, he became CFO in 2010 and since 2011 has been an Executive Director on ASMPT’s Board of Directors.

Along with the change at the top, ASMPT is also altering its management structure and introducing the Global Executive Office, in which YM Wong (the Group CTO), Stanley Tsui (the Group COO and CEO of our Materials Segment) and Günter Lauber, the CEO of the SMT Solutions Segment, will support Robin Ng in his duties as the company’s Group CEO. Our team will manage the company globally and move it forward in accordance with our corporate vision of “Enabling the Digital World”.

While we are currently living in difficult times, we were able to establish highly efficient and resilient global processes in recent years. We will do everything in our power to further advance the digital transformation for ASMPT as well as for our innovative portfolio of products and solutions for our customers’ smart factories.

Best-in-class solutions

Good planning is the basis for efficiency, flexibility and quality in electronics production. As the industry’s technology leader, we offer a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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