Customer Information

Effective from January 31, 2020, the United Kingdom is no longer part of the European Union. The two parties have agreed on a transition phase until the end of the current calender year. In this time, the United Kingdom and the European Union will work to settle on a new trade agreement. During this phase, the UK retains access to the EU domestic market and remains part of the EU customs union.

The SMT Solutions Segment of ASMPT has prepared extensively for the time after the transition period.
Our employees are well trained in conducting customs formalities for many different countries correctly and reliably.
We have re-analyzed our logistics procedures, and our delivery processes for machines, parts and consumables are designed for global use.

In 2018, our ASM Production Network was awarded with the Factory of the Year Award, specifically for our global processes and shared standards of the production innovation centers in Munich, Weymouth, Singapore and Malaysia. After awards in 2012 and 2016, the panel of judges this time recognized especially the high level of common standards within ASM’s global production network with its plants in Munich, Weymouth, Singapore, and Malaysia. Thanks to our global standardization of processes, equipment and tools as well as our consistent focus on supplier development and integration, each of our factories is equipped to satisfy its regional markets as resource-effectively as possible while also serving as a capacity reserve for other plants and regions.

Please don't hesitate to contact your regional ASMPT sales partner with any questions you may have.

Best-in-class solutions

Good planning is the basis for efficiency, flexibility and quality in electronics production. As the industry’s technology leader, we offer a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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