参加ASM time4customers计划

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现在是大家公认的艰难时期,甚至依赖线上工作会常态化。在许多电子制造厂,只有少量产线恢复了生产。那些积极思考想要打破这一困局的人一直在寻找合适的机会。我们的ASM Time4 Initiatives计划就是为这些人特别准备的。我们是您的合作伙伴,可以帮助您善加利用这些时间,以便您的公司能够在以后更快、更强劲地起步。

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我们的服务:立即安装ASM远程智慧工厂,并免费获得远程操作ASM解决方案的Remote Operation功能。



ASM现在允许免费访问其现代化电子学习平台ASM Academy——从现在开始,完全免费,无需订阅!


点击注册 .



ASM is offering free access to four exclusive expert live training webinars for EMEA. Join an experienced trainer in a small group and an interactive environment. The trainings are offered at fixed times via the ASM Academy.

The initiative starts now and is planned to continue with new modules on a rolling base.

The 4 expert live trainings are:

  • SIPLACE Vision Teach Station – test suite
  • SIPLACE Pro optimizer settings
  • SIPLACE – placement process and process settings
  • SIPLACE – rules for component shape and component leads

Register here



Are you using family setups in your production?

Grouping products in a family setup helps to reduce the manual effort in material logistics and setup preparation. But it can also have a negative impact on your cycle times.

Knowing the ideal cycle time is important for cost analysis, determining the right setup strategies and as input for other systems.

Our experts will help analyze your data, free of charge, and provide you with a detailed report on their findings!

Talk to your ASM account manager They are here for you.



Over time, a lot of changes happen to the data in SIPLACE Pro. Often, a change is made to address a specific problem at the line during production. And once it has been made, it will remain in the SIPLACE Pro database indefinitely – unless it is changed back again, manually.

For this very reason, we strongly recommend doing regular maintenance on the component shape library by using the standard tools that are included in SIPLACE Pro.

If you have any reason to believe that data maintenance is overdue or simply want to check if there is any improvement potential, our experts are happy to help!

Talk to your ASM account manager They are here for you.



There are many factors that define and affect the print process. If these are not correct, the process will not be under control. Our smart software tool DFM HealthCheck can provide you with optimal process and printing parameters based on a simulation of your stencil design.

By utilising DFM Health Check we can take your stencil Gerber data and make recommendations before any production takes place, or we can take an existing process setup and validate it against the recommended best practice.

Talk to your ASM account manager They are here for you.



The SMT Center of Competence of ASM in Munich is the perfect facility to get an inside look at our ASM Solutions and Offerings as well as any kind of support for your production processes and application challenges.

It does not matter if your travel possibilities are limited right now.
If you cannot come to us, we come to you!

With CoC Remote Demos, we offer the full spectrum of SMT solutions: presentation and demonstrations, process support, application support and expert consultation.
It does not matter where you are. All you need is a PC and internet access.

Talk to your ASM account manager They are here for you.



The right nozzle or gripper is the last link to ensure a reliable placement solution. It can have a huge influence on your placement quality and placement productivity. Nozzles and grippers influence the pick-up rate as well as the reject rate of components and thus the first-pass yield.

Now might be the right time to have a closer look at your process troublemakers. Share your component data and we support you in optimizing your process!

Our team will check for better fitting nozzles or whether a special nozzle could improve the process. We have a look at your existing component shape descriptions, check for further boundaries like the pocket design of the tapes or trays as well as adjustable parameters for the pick-up process at the feeder – and much more.

Talk to your ASM account manager They are here for you.




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